Current count of lost revenue for Seattle small businesses

Every second counts. Seattle small businesses will continue losing millions of dollars as long as the City Council refuses to fix the delivery pay ordinance.

Click Here – Tell City Council to pass the revisions to the pay law IMMEDIATELY

Food Dlivery


WA Alliance for Innovation and Independent Work is a coalition of consumers, independent workers, small businesses, app-based services, and community leaders from across the state that seeks to strengthen and support advancements in the new workplace. Today, flexible jobs, benefits, and innovative services are essential to enhancing Washington’s emerging economic opportunities and empowering the small businesses and workers who are leading and innovating.



49% of app-based workers cite the ability to control their own schedule as a primary reason to choose this work.
Source: Pew Research, 2021

Supplemental Income

68% of workers utilize app-based work as a side job to supplement their main source of income.
Source: Pew Research, 2021


Women make up 46% of app-based workers. UberEats: >40% women drivers; DoorDash: 58%; Instacart: 70%.
Source: Good Morning America

Multiple Platforms

61% of app-based workers switch between multiple platforms to maximize their income.
Source: Pew Research, 2021

independent contractor status

Majority of app-based workers prefer to view themselves as independent contractors over employees.
Source: Pew Research, 2021

Quotes from the Alliance